Pavitra Kashi


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4.17 /5 6 Ratings

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What Others Say

Saurabh Srivastav (Teacher)

Thank you Pavitrakashi Tour & Travel for a wonderful trip. You were excellent in communication and sorting out our holiday. They were very professional as they provided all the services at the exact point in time.

15-03-2023 02:45:11 pm
Prashant Soni (CA)

Excellent Service continues to provide the same service and rates are reasonable.

18-04-2023 01:54:00 pm
Mohit Singh ( Business Owner(R.k Medical))

Excellent service in hotel reservations, promptly following up with me on the travel plan, provided a. experienced driver and they have support staff who knows about the place well. They made our trip a very pleasant experience.

20-04-2023 04:45:28 pm